March 16, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Ignorance of Apollo 11 and a small victory in the movie ‘The Smartest’

Ignorance of Apollo 11 and a small victory in the movie ‘The Smartest’

Arjen Lubach and Geert Mevrudt are progressing well into the final, but Gloria Monseries and Merol can of course steal the victory from them.

Tonight’s winner:

Geert Mevrudt wins by throw from Arjen Lubach.


In a strange epilogue, neither Lisbeth Embo nor Arjen Lubach can tell anything about Apollo 11, the first moon landing. Lubach saves his skin thanks to Pinochet. Imbo has to leave.

Return on Wednesday:

Gloria Monseries

Best quotes:

Bart Kanerts: “The brewer at Kara Bells named cheap beer after his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him. He already knew his beer wouldn’t get a good name.”

Eric Van Lowe: “Is that really true?”

Beavers: “No, but it could be true.”


Kanerts: “Kurt Cobain had a ‘dolphin’ as a totem among Scouts. Social, intelligent and also a hole in the head.”


Van Lowe: “Where do you buy your herbs, Geert?”

Mayphrodt changed: “Come on, Eric, my parents are in the hall.”

Van Lowe: “Ah, straight from your parents?”


Van Lowe: “Bart, if I can replace you somewhere, just tell me.”

Cannaerts: (thinking deeply) “I have a prostate exam next week.”

The most beautiful moment:

Journalist Riad Bahri says he sent dancer Jean Koujman some messages, but he didn’t reply back after he played his part. Therefore, he tries to get his attention using choreography. Bahari dance in black socks .. Bird dance (JDR)


1 Geert Mevrodt

(10 episodes)

2 Merol

(9 episodes)

3 Arjen Lubach

(8 episodes)

4 Gloria Monseries

(7 episodes)

5 Lisbeth Embo

(7 episodes)