March 6, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

in the picture.  Anne Van Elsen takes her adorable daughters to the Minions premiere |  BV

in the picture. Anne Van Elsen takes her adorable daughters to the Minions premiere | BV

BVGood news for Minions fans, because the cute yellow villains are back on the big screen. This morning, the premiere of “Minions 2: Hoe Gru Superschurk Became,” part of the movie, took place at Kinepolis Ostend. In the presence of some familiar faces and their children.

In the heart of the 1970s, a puppy grew up in the suburbs. He is a fan of a band of super-villains known as ‘Vicious 6’ and devises a plan to become evil enough to join them. Fortunately, he had the support of his loyal followers, disciples. Together with Kevin, Stuart, Bob and Otto – the new minions with bows and a desperate need for attention – they develop their skills and test their new weapons to complete their first mission.

When the leader of ‘Vicious 6’, the legendary Wild Knuckles fighter, is expelled from the group, Gru seizes his chance to become the newest member of the gang. This isn’t smooth sailing (to say the least), and it only gets worse when Gru outruns them and suddenly becomes the enemy of all evil. Gru turns to an unexpected source for help, Wild Knuckles himself, and discovers that even the bad guys sometimes need a little help from their friends.

In the Flemish version of this film full of humor, references to pop culture, hilarious music, and super action, we hear Quinn van Imbe, Jane Pervoets, Sandrine van Handenhoven, Sergent Ingeborg, Gunter Lesage and Walter Bailey.

Minions 2: How Gru Became Super Villain hits theaters July 6.

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While Tea's niece is enjoying herself at the roller disco, singer Sandrine van Handenhoven watches from the sidelines.

While Tea’s niece is enjoying herself at the roller disco, singer Sandrine van Handenhoven watches from the sidelines. © Christoph Jeslink

I escorted Kelly Clesens, interior designer on

“Blind Bought” interior designer Kelly Claessens took her son Leon with her. © Christoph Jeslink

Sixty from Blind Married enjoyed a great movie with his two sons Victor and Theodore.  Without Nuria, she unfortunately had to work.

Sixty from Blind Married enjoyed a great movie with his two sons Victor and Theodore. Without Nuria, she unfortunately had to work. © Christoph Jeslink

Wim, Sophie Dumont's partner, was present with his daughter Grace.  Unfortunately, the chef herself couldn't be there because she was working at her new restaurant in Knokke.

Wim, Sophie Dumont’s partner, was present with his daughter Grace. Unfortunately, the chef herself couldn’t be there because she was working at her new restaurant in Knokke. © Christoph Jeslink

Quinn van Imbe, who voted for Gro, came to watch with his daughter Isadora and the real gnome Anastasia.

Quinn van Imbe, who voted for Gro, came to watch with his daughter Isadora and the real gnome Anastasia. © Christoph Jeslink

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