March 7, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

in the picture.  ‘Reporter’ Zeta Waters Puts PapaCoin to the Test on Zoomerheat: ‘It Definitely Won’t Be Tongue’ |  television

in the picture. ‘Reporter’ Zeta Waters Puts PapaCoin to the Test on Zoomerheat: ‘It Definitely Won’t Be Tongue’ | television

televisionOn Wednesday evening, the first recording of the new season of Music One “Zomerhit” took place in Blankenberge. Ceska Shooters and Nils Diestadsbader make sure everything runs smoothly on stage, but behind the scenes Zeta Waters chats with artists who come for VRT’s social media platforms. And for her baptism of fire, she was immediately allowed to shove her microphone under Abe Quinn’s nose.

Coyne Waters came along to sing the song “Ann” with Clouseau that won Radio2 Zomerhit in 1989. “I feel like our zeta is very comfortable,” Coyne says. “She’s calm enough to ask fun, easy questions. She certainly won’t be out of the tongue (smile). On top of that, she’s not easily swayed by people. Yes, I’m a proud dad when I see her hanging around here. Even though we don’t always see each other. She does what Her own, I do mine. Zita hates being a daughter so often. She is already looked at further by that, then the bar is quite higher, while she has to learn and discover everything step by step.”

Presenters Niels Destadsbader and Siska Schoeters are clearly looking forward to it. They are assisted behind the scenes by Zita Wauters.

Joel Hollerts / Photonews
© Joel Hollerts / Photonews

With five straight wins, Belle Perez, pictured with Olivia, is still the Queen of Radio 2 Summer. “And I’m very proud of that.”

Joel Hollerts / Photonews
© Joel Hollerts / Photonews

Margaret Hermans was allowed to bring her winning song from last year, Laker Blegven Hangen, again, “This may be the last time I can perform at the Zomerhit, because it always has to be smaller and smaller.” Quinn Waters must have thought when he saw Margaret Hermans.

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Joel Hollerts / Photonews
© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Hooverphonic with Jake Arnaert, Alex Callier, and Raymond Gerts. The men wore sweatpants. They joke, “We don’t have to change to sleep after our performance and we can go for a jog in the morning.”

Joel Hollerts / Photonews
© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

“I’m very surprised to be nominated for Radio 2 Zomerhit, but I would have given it to K3 as well,” said Lisa Lewis, who first responded to the uproar. Not many understand why it has a chance to win this title and K3 does not. “I don’t take it personally. And no, I haven’t received any bad messages from K3 fans.” Another nice detail: She went shopping for her clothes at Véronique De Kock.

Joel Hollerts / Photonews
© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

CAMILLE creates a summery feel in her pink outfit.

Joel Hollerts / Photonews
© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Radio 2 voice Kim Depree matches the color of her pullover to her microphone.

Joel Hollerts / Photonews
© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews