With HIIT, you can train at a high intensity in a short time. This way, if you don’t have a lot of time, you can still get some exercise. It sounds positive, but is this type of training really as effective as endurance training or moderate intensity training?
First things first: what is HIIT? HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Train at high intensity intervals. For example, you do a vigorous exercise such as jumping jacks for one minute, and then you have a short rest period. Due to the high intensity, HIIT workouts often last no more than 30 minutes. Is this intense type of training actually better than endurance training?
Benefits of HIIT
HIIT workouts are a godsend when you’re short on time. These researchers It suggests that through HIIT training it is possible to achieve the same health benefits in a shorter time as with moderate-intensity exercise. And in 2021, some researchers did research On the effects of high-intensity interval training on health. They describe that a HIIT program, which ranges from 5 days to 12 months, has a positive impact on the body’s maximum oxygen uptake, endurance, resting metabolism, insulin sensitivity and cognitive function. In addition, HIIT training reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and osteoarthritis. You can also burn calories faster with this type of training, as you can move more in a shorter time. This intense interval training not only has a positive effect on physical health. Mental health also improves. That’s what it says about this research They claim that HIIT often provides more pleasure during exercise than moderate-intensity exercise. The same research shows that this type of exercise can reduce feelings of depression.
Is HIIT better than other workouts?
Would it be better to do only HIIT training in the future? Not as far as we’re concerned. Which training suits you best depends on your training goal and personal preferences.
Do you want to feel strong and fit or do an effective workout in a short time? Then HIIT is a good solution. But HIIT is less suitable for training your endurance for running. Even if you want to train again the next day or if you have an injury, HIIT is not perfect. This intense type of training puts stress on your body. The most important thing when choosing a sport: Do something that makes you happy. This is how they last the longest. Is walking, cycling, Pilates or yoga more your thing? Then stick to these sports.
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