March 13, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

“Jabbeke gives you space” but also for young people?

“Jabbeke gives you space” but also for young people?

“Jabbeke gives you the space” is the motto of the municipality, but the question is whether this is also the case for young people. Jabbeke has strong youth movements so no problem for those who find a connection here. But what about the unorganized youth? It is clear that young councilman Claudia Caudville and Grün councilor Peter Jan Hallemerch disagree on this subject.

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“The current completely diverse range offers something for everyone,” says Ships Claudia Codeville. “The private market provides so little childcare for the very young and the number of ‘mothers of today’ is shrinking.” “But every youth movement has good accommodations: there are plenty of play areas, often green, in all neighbourhoods. Ski infrastructure in Jabbeke and Varsenare, experience track in Vloethemveld and green play area in Varsenare are on the way. There is a school theatre, education Part-time technician, Wednesday afternoon film … So a lot is happening for young people and that will also develop further. The municipality must constantly test public needs.” Away from the cold, “Since 2009, when the Utopia Youth Center closed its doors, there has been very little talk of youth-friendly policy.” There is only support for the youth movements. This support is sufficient, but already during this legislature it was decided to limit support in connection with the transfer of camps. Unorganized youth is literally left out in the cold. The youth advisor job has eroded over the years, including the last youth advisor who has to do many other tasks. A rare bright spot is the planned new ski infrastructure. We have been arguing for a long time to open a new youth center. If you compare youth policy with the surrounding municipalities, you can only say that young people in Jabbeke have the lowest priority.” (PA)

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