Japanese researchers have made an important discovery of an asteroid millions of miles away: a drop of water. This discovery supports the theory that life on Earth may have originated in space.
source: Watchman
A drop of water. Japanese researchers found this on the asteroid Ryugu, which is about 300 million km away from us. An important discovery, because this discovery supports the theory that life on Earth may have originated in space.
The Japanese space probe Hayabusa 2 was sent on a mission to Ryugu in 2014 and returned to the atmosphere two years ago. On board: a capsule with 5.4 grams of rock and dust from the asteroid and thus a drop of water as well. That water was “carbonated water with salt and organic matter”.
“This drop of water is of great importance,” chief scientist Tomoki Nakamura of Tohoku University told reporters before the study was published in the journal. Sciences Friday. “We have discovered evidence that this could be directly related to, for example, the formation of the oceans or organic matter on Earth.”
In 2020, a Japanese spacecraft capsule landed in South Australia. – © AFP
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