March 15, 2025

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Joe and Jill Biden Arguing Over a Text Message: ‘We Call it Fexting’ |  Abroad

Joe and Jill Biden Arguing Over a Text Message: ‘We Call it Fexting’ | Abroad

Marital disputes in the White House are settled by text messages. For example, US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill avoid having to bicker in front of others. One problem: the messages end up in the historical archive.

This is what first lady Jill Biden says in the American magazine “Harper’s Bazaar”. When Joe Biden was Vice President under Barack Obama, the couple decided to resolve differences by texting to avoid making a fuss in front of Secret Service agents guarding the couple.

When explicit sexting is now called texting, the Bidens call their texting quarrels sextingfighting by text message.

Having recently sent him such a letter in a fit of anger, he said to her: “Do you realize that this will go down in history? There will be a report on this.” Presidential contacts are preserved for historical record. “I won’t tell you what I called it at the time,” Jill jokes to the interviewer.

First lady with a job

Jill Biden met then-Senator Joe Biden in 1975, and they married two years later. She is a teacher and continued to teach throughout his rise in national politics. She eventually became the first lady to work for wages outside the White House.

US Harper’s Bazaar will be released next week. According to the magazine, this is the first time in its 155-year history that an American first lady has featured so prominently in a photo.

File photo of Jill Biden.

File photo of Jill Biden. © AP

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