March 19, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Johnson & Joe …

Johnson & Joe …


Johnson & Johnson’s corona vaccine is recommended for Americans over the age of 18 by the FDA, an expert organization that recommends booster shots. It should happen at least two months after the initial injection of the J&J vaccine, the body said.

Source: Belgian

Recommendations are not bound, but generally follow FDA experts. In this case, those who have been vaccinated with J&J should also consider whether they can get a second vaccine with BioNTech-Pfizer or Moderna.

In the United States, about 187 million people are fully vaccinated against the corona virus. Of those, about 15 million have been vaccinated against Johnson & Johnson. It currently gives people a shot, while the other two vaccines approved in the United States, Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, receive two doses for complete protection.

Pfizer-Bioendech booster shots are already being offered to people over 65 and to high-risk groups in the United States. The expert panel on Thursday advised the FDA in favor of a booster shot through the Moderna vaccine for these groups.

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