March 16, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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Joint agreements on the (future) development of business parks in the Foodvalley area

Joint agreements on the (future) development of business parks in the Foodvalley area

The eight municipalities Food Valley District Conclusion of joint agreements on the development of industrial cities in the region. This is stated in the work sites of the Regional Program (RPW). This program shows how industrial zones are allocated and the quality requirements that work sites must meet. Sustainability, climate and energy are important topics reflected in these regional agreements.

Strong economy of the region

Food Valley District It has a strong economy. Business parks form an important pillar in this. About 45% of employment, approximately 75,000 jobs, is located in the industrial cities. Business parks provide much of the work, and more than half of the regional economy. In the past ten years, nearly 10,000 jobs have been added to the industrial cities. Employment growth is lagging behind in a number of industrial regions, in part due to a lack of space.

employment growth

The growth in employment is mainly due to the further development and growth of companies. Companies in the region are growing and developing and becoming more sustainable. The Foodvalley District wants to keep businesses in the area and possibly provide the space they need. But the demand for more space is growing. Not only for the further development of enterprises, but also for home construction and power generation. It is important to find a good balance here.

regional agreements

Regional agreements have been concluded with the eight regional municipalities and the cantons of Gelderland and Utrecht on the use of industrial areas. These agreements are set forth in the Red Palm Weevil. The RPW consists of a vision for the economic future in the region and an implementation framework. Regio Foodvalley wants to meet expected market demand, now and in the years to come, but also have the flexibility to respond to new developments in a dynamic market.

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Regional program work sites

Together with eight regional municipalities and the provinces of Gelderland and Utrecht, Regio Foodvalley has established the Worksite programme. As a district, we are working on job sites suitable for the future. The program pays close attention to sustainability, biodiversity, climate and energy. The regional agreements are described in the updated policy documents: “Vision Action Sites 2020-2030” and “Regional Program Action Sites “2022 – 2026” in the Regio Foodvalley. The eight municipal councils of the regional municipalities have developed the Policy Principles from the Red Palm Weevil for the next four years. Adopted Gelderland County Executive Red Palm Weevil on January 10, 2023.