March 18, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Latest weather forecast by Franck Debussier: “A new season begins for you and me”

Latest weather forecast by Franck Debussier: “A new season begins for you and me”

Weatherman Frank Debussier gave his last weather report on television. In his own style, he thought little of his farewell, though he did make some subtle signs.

Deboosere began by thanking the many photographers who have submitted images over the past 25 years to appear at the beginning of a weather report. Unlike other weather reports, this time he also made very explicit references to global warming, including a reference to Monday’s troubling IPCC report.

When I started, the average temperature was half a degree lower than it is now. So it goes really fast. We only have one land, and we have to take good care of it,” he pointed to one of his hobby horses. He then moved on to the order of the day: unfortunately grey, but with hope for a “colorful rainbow” next weekend.

“That was my last weather report,” he wanted to conclude, though he had to interrupt that sentence until he swallowed it. “Now begins a new season for you and me, with the astronomical spring,” he bridged the gap between his farewell and the weather.

When the credits did not follow immediately, colleagues Sabine Hagedorn and Bram Verbruggen came to pick him up. An endless line of fellows was waiting for him as an honor guard, evidently the meteorologist’s touch. He could do a lot more than “thank you, thank you, thank you” on the way to the private studio Thanks Weatherman Frank no longer release.

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