March 17, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Martin Junkeri posing in a bikini at the age of 65: ‘You look good’ |  showbiz

Martin Junkeri posing in a bikini at the age of 65: ‘You look good’ | showbiz

Her husband snapped a bikini photo during a day at the seaside. Philip is obviously very proud of it and shared it on social media. “No problem for me,” Martin says. Why do I feel any embarrassment? I used to pose a few times as a model to take lingerie photos. So I have some experience. And maybe you shouldn’t say that about yourself, but given my age, I think I’m still allowed to be there. Yes, it was a nice time with me.

The fact that I used to do ballet and judging gymnastics probably play a role, but I also keep myself well. Every day I jog for 30 to 45 minutes with my dog ​​Lester and after that I sometimes go swimming. We also take the dog regularly for a walk. So these steps have also been added.”

“Pensions have their advantages,” writes Martine, with pictures by the sea. “That was a joke, because I don’t feel like retiring yet,” she continues. “I will also continue to work professionally. At the end of this year, for example, I will start rehearsals for the comedy “Café Beveren” and I also have some other plans. But sometimes I feel like retiring. As the “Family” recordings are gone, there seems to be A little more time for pure improvisation a few months ago. A sudden urge to go to sea and then be able to leave right away. If you have a busy schedule for filming or other commitments, it won’t work out. Now you can. This time we even went to the coast two days in the same week.This was out of the question in the past.In Zeebrugge we enjoyed a walk in the dunes and then together celebrated our 42 years in the cozy beach bar.A little later we visited Cadzand because our dog Lester, who has been second man in my life for 11 years, is allowed He also has a leash on the beach. After all, that’s not allowed everywhere. So the holidays have been going on for us for a while. (laughs)”

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