Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (58 years old) expressed his anger on social media for the umpteenth time. In a message on Telegram, he strongly criticized the “cancer tumor” in Ukraine, which he believes “should not exist in any way.” Medvedev believes that Moscow and Kiev will clash “forever.” He added, “The possibility of a new conflict erupting after the war is 100 percent (…) and neither the European Union nor NATO can avoid this.”
In his argument titled “Why Ukraine is a Danger to Its Citizens,” Medvedev declared that any independent state located on “historic Russian territory” would serve as “a pretext for new hostilities.” The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council believes that countries like Ukraine have no right to exist “in any form.”
look. Does Putin think about peace? “We will not give up what is ours”
According to the former president, Ukraine will always remain an illegitimate state, no matter who comes to power. For Medvedev, Ukraine is nothing more than a “cancer.” For this reason, the risk of new confrontations will remain indefinitely, or even forever. The probability of a new conflict erupting is 100%, regardless of the security documents that the West signs with the puppet regime in Kiev.”
Medvedev stressed that “neither Ukraine's relationship with the European Union nor the artificial state's accession to NATO can prevent the outbreak of conflict.”
Although Ukrainians do not like the Russian state, they will realize that it is better than death
“Better than death.”
Medvedev also predicts that Ukrainians will soon tire of war and choose “life.” “They will understand that they live in a great collectivist state. And even though they don't like it at the moment, they will understand that it is better than death: their own death and the death of their loved ones. The sooner Ukrainians realize this, the better.
Medvedev, 58, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, is known for his provocative statements. Last week, the Russians threatened to launch a nuclear attack on Ukraine if the country continued to launch attacks on Russian territory.
look. Lavrov also speaks strongly: “The West is making every effort to escalate the Ukrainian crisis.”
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