March 21, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Mercedes-Benz introduces an electric EQE sedan with a range of 660 km – picture and sound – News

Mercedes shows that they still don’t quite understand what to focus on, or they may still be behind technologically. 1 of the two I think.
If you’ve been driving a BEV for some time, you’ll soon discover that charging speed is much more important than range. Because even frequent drivers, they ride less than 400 kilometers on most days. A distance of 400 km will save most electric cars. This means that in your daily use, you charge your car at night, so most days you won’t have to spend time charging on the road. After all, 9 out of 10 days remain well below 400 km.
If you’re taking a road trip, going on vacation, or have a day with many appointments, it’s not the range that matters, but how fast it charges on the road. And if all goes well and fast, you lose a little more time than gasoline or diesel.
If you look at this Mercedes: it’s going to release a car in 2021 that will still charge slower than the Model 3 from 2017. How can Mercedes release a car in 2021 that charges 170 kW max when the Model 3 from 2017 already has 250 kW charging? Is this impossible?

I’ve been driving a Model 3 for a few years now, and drive 60,000 cars a year. And this works perfectly, because the charging is very fast. In general, I don’t spend more time per month charging than refueling someone with a car. Because I have to load out the door +- twice a month. Other days I work fine with my LR.