March 13, 2025

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Microsoft releases more Rust features for the Windows kernel

Microsoft releases more Rust features for the Windows kernel

Microsoft has been working on initiatives around the Rust programming language for a while now. For example, at the end of April it turned out that she was working on a large project to rewrite Windows with this more efficient code. More features for Windows’ Rust kernel are now being released in the latest Insider Build.

Insider Build 25905 was released on Wednesday and comes with the Rust-based GDI Zones app. This means that the win32kbase_rs.sys driver in System32 is now equipped with a rust-based option to see, for example, where the cursor is on the desktop.

About the update says Microsoft in blog It’s a “little test”. He went on to say, “We’re just beginning to roll this out, so the experience isn’t yet available to all Canary Channel insiders. We plan to monitor feedback to see how it’s received (with a select group, editor) before offering it to everyone.”

Reliable and secure

In the letter, Microsoft reiterates two important reasons for moving toward Rust. For example, it will have advantages in terms of reliability and security over C and C++.

As always, these Canary Channel updates are hot out of the press and so there may be compatibility or stability issues.

It will still be interesting to see how far Microsoft’s Rust plans go. The programming language has been in demand across the IT industry for quite some time, for example, A Stack Overflow article from 2020 Which indicates that there has been a preference for Rust over other languages ​​since 2016.

As a programming language, Rust is very good at maintaining memory integrity, which is often a dangerous place for data.

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