March 28, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Microwave cooking and driving at 100 km/h: this is how the government wants us to save energy, but how useful is it?

Microwave cooking and driving at 100 km/h: this is how the government wants us to save energy, but how useful is it?

A tip that has not been given, but which may also be interesting, is to replace old incandescent lamps and even traditional energy-saving lamps with LEDs. “LED lights can have a huge impact on your energy consumption,” Bellmans explains. “Certainly in places that have been lit for a long time. You can make an exception for a cellar that you have rarely visited.”

Another simple tip that isn’t strangely mentioned is watch sleep or sleep: it’s the name of consuming devices in standby mode. So many electrical appliances continue to consume energy, even if you are not actively using it.

In the typical family, these are the biggest reasons for sleep consumption:

  • Computer with all its peripherals (printer, monitor …): it will cost you up to 120 € per year in sleep consumption
  • TV with digital recorder: 60 euros per year
  • Coffee machine: 20 euros per year
  • Hi-Fi installation: 20 euros per year
  • Digital clock oven/microwave: €15 per year

If you put it all together, then you come in the amount of 235 eurosOur editors counted last month† So you can save a lot of Euro by turning off these scams completely. “It’s best to separate what shouldn’t be in the socket,” Bellmans says.

Another addition from Belmans for those with solar panels and a digital counter. “Try to expend energy when the sun is setting,” he says. “For example, if you want to charge something. Do it during the day. For example, use a timer to charge devices this way.”