January 10, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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Minister Gilkennet wants to ban night flights at Brussels Airport to prevent noise disturbance |  HLN’s Instagram

Minister Gilkennet wants to ban night flights at Brussels Airport to prevent noise disturbance | HLN’s Instagram

Mobility Minister Georges Gilkennet (Ecolo) has proposals ready to completely ban night flights at Brussels Airport and thus tackle noise pollution. The minister’s goal is to reduce noise near the airport by 20 percent and give local residents more peace. For Open Vld, a blanket ban on night flights is “unworldly economic madness”, says Member of Parliament Tim Vandenpot. Foca also calls Gilkinet’s plan “crazy”.

Gilkinet announced in the House of Representatives on Thursday that the decision would be lifted by July 21. It must update the system’s “counting quotas” (QC), which are the maximum noise level for each aircraft that takes off and lands. These standards have not been revised since 2009. “This file for Brussels National Airport has been deadlocked for a very long time because no compromise solution has been found between the various parties involved,” says Gilkennet.

In his own words, the Minister has now prepared a plan “for the common good of all the local population”. Concretely, noise disturbance should be reduced by 20 percent. Between 11pm and 6am there should be no noise from the airport at all. Furthermore, there should be 30 percent more silence in the evening from 9 to 11 pm, 20 percent more silence in the morning between 6 and 7 am, and 7 percent more silence during the day than at 7 am to 9 pm. The new QC also varies on weekdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Old noisy planes are no longer allowed to take off and land at all times. This concerns, for example, the oldest versions of the Airbus A330, Airbus A320, Boeing 737, Boeing 767 and Boeing 747. Exceptions apply to government flights or military flights, and to police and emergency missions or flights for meteorological reasons. During the day, all new generation aircraft and almost all generations of medium-range aircraft can fly normally.

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“totally irresponsible”

MP Tim Vandenput of Open Vandenput reacts with astonishment to Minister Giklinet’s proposal to cancel all night flights from October 2024. Belgium is a country of international trade. Almost 95 percent of Belgium’s GDP is made up of exports. Exports in Flanders reached 380 billion euros last year. Zaventem Airport plays an important role in this matter. Those who simply want to ban night flights are playing with our boom. We lose one full-time job for every two planes that don’t land here. day to day. This is completely irresponsible.”

Flemish corporate network FOCA calls Gilkennet’s plan “crazy”. “There is no question of canceling night flights. It’s a crazy idea that should be thrown straight into the trash. We therefore expect the Federal Alliance Partners to make their rejection of this idea loud and clear,” says Managing Director Hans Mertens.

N-VA MP Burt Walants claims that Gilkinnett is “launching proposals just for its supporters”. Obviously, this must hide the fact that he failed to formulate a backed airport agreement. Curtailing our economic growth engine is not a sensible plan,” he wrote on Twitter.

“You can also close the airport completely, and then more inconveniences will disappear – but, unfortunately, also an engine of economic growth in Flanders and Brussels. According to Mr. Gilkennet, aren’t there enough unemployed people in Brussels yet?”, answers Flemish Minister Rand Ben Witts (Northern Virginia).

Do not consult with the airport

Brussels Airport also regrets the plan, which apparently has “unprecedented negative consequences for employment, communication, export and the economy of the country”. Moreover, according to the airport, no prior consultations took place. Brussels Airport also points out that the airport, the sector and the local population need “a global solution and a coherent legal framework that provides stability and legal certainty for the sustainable development of the airport while respecting the environment”.

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On the other hand, residents’ groups and Bond Peter Leefmilieu are pleased with the Gilkinet plan and speak of a “milestone for the health of the local population” and “a good first step towards sustainable, future-oriented management of our national airport”.

Read also:

Minister Çilkenit wants a solution to the noise disturbance around Zaventem by July 21: “24 million have already been paid in fines since 2015”

Noise is a serious nuisance for more than 200,000 people living near Brussels airport: ‘about half of them sleep worse’