GGDs ran more STD tests last year. The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) saw more consultations for the first time in 2022 than in 2019, the year before the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, more sexually transmitted diseases have been found, especially among young adults. Certainly, the number of gonorrhea cases has risen sharply: last year there were 33 percent more diagnoses than in 2021. The largest increase was seen among heterosexual women and men, up by 75 percent and 58 percent, respectively. In total, 10,600 cases of gonorrhea were diagnosed last year, but the vast majority are still found in men. The RIVM indicates that gonorrhea was diagnosed relatively often in the last quarter of 2022 in highly educated people, people under the age of 25 and people of Dutch ancestry. Moreover, chlamydia is still found much more often than gonorrhea. A test showed that they had chlamydia in 21.2 percent of heterosexual men, and the same was true of 17.9 percent of women. Before the Corona pandemic, 18.4 percent of men and 15.3 percent of women tested positive for chlamydia. Again, the RIVM finds it surprising that this increase was seen primarily among people under the age of 25. The incidence of gonorrhea is 2.3 percent in women and 2.4 in non-rectal men. Soa Aids Nederland Don’t be surprised by the rise in STDs. According to the foundation, the reason for this is the lack of information about STDs and their prevention in the Netherlands. “Our own research among young people shows that 4 out of 10 young people do not use a condom during one night,” Soa Aids Nederland confirms. Figures from the Royal Institute of Public Health have also previously shown that young people are using condoms at a lower rate. The foundation wants the Vrij Veilig campaigns, which stopped more than ten years ago, back. “In this, young people were made aware of the use of condoms,” explains a spokeswoman. “After years of absence from these campaigns, you notice that young people are no longer aware of how to protect themselves.” RIVM provides no explanation for the increase in the number of STDs. Braeden Haige“Total coffee specialist. Hardcore reader. Incurable music scholar. Web guru. Freelance troublemaker. Problem solver. Travel trailblazer.” See also What happens to your brain when you have meetings all day? Continue Reading Previous Why is China building a new research station in Antarctica?Next Why saving the Earth is also a matter of aesthetics Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. More Stories 6 min read science GALA lacks a chapter on e-health August 21, 2024 Braeden Haige 2 min read science Weird beer can taste really good. August 21, 2024 Braeden Haige 4 min read science Planets contain much more water than previously thought August 21, 2024 Braeden Haige
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