March 17, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

More than 1,000 vacancies have not been filled at Zaventem Airport (and the traveler may feel it) |  the interior

More than 1,000 vacancies have not been filled at Zaventem Airport (and the traveler may feel it) | the interior

Companies operating at Brussels Airport are struggling to fill many vacancies – more than a thousand at the moment. “In a worst-case scenario, this could affect operations during the summer,” airport chief Arno Fest said.

The CEO of the Brussels Airport Company spoke of a “serious labor shortage” at the airport. “There are currently more than 1,000 vacancies,” said Fest. “This means that we are going to have a very difficult period during the summer, when there will be a lot more activities than today, if we are still struggling to find the right people.”

From waiters to engineers

There are vacancies for a whole range of jobs, from waiters in restaurants, to baggage handlers, to engineers and pilots. “We can’t find them,” said Fest. “In a worst-case scenario, if we don’t find enough baggage carriers, for example, it could have operational consequences.”

In the coming months, the airport operator will draw attention to vacancies as much as possible and organize job fairs, for example. Many vacancies are running aviato.beJob location at Brussels Airport. According to Fest, the airport directly and indirectly employs about 64,000 people.

fun vs. Business travelers

The fact that so many new hires are on the lookout is a good sign after the entire Corona crisis. “It’s going in the right direction,” said Fest. “We are currently in about two-thirds of the activity compared to the period before Corona.”

Arnaud West, CEO of Brussels Airport Corporation.

Arnaud West, CEO of Brussels Airport Corporation. © BELGA

Vacationers in particular found their way to the plane to begin their journey, especially within Europe. Business travelers are still far behind, although they are also showing signs of recovery. “A question mark remains over how quickly business travelers can return,” the airport chief said. “September-October, with a lot of business trips traditionally, will be an important test.”

Fest expects a recovery in passenger aviation, along with a well-functioning cargo business, to lead to a “somewhat positive” financial result for Brussels Airport this year, after two years of loss due to the impact of Corona.

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