March 7, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Motivating young people again to get their driver’s license faster |  HLN’s Instagram

Motivating young people again to get their driver’s license faster | HLN’s Instagram

It seems that young people are once again excited to get their driver’s license faster. Presently, they started driving lessons just after their 18th birthday. This is evident from the numbers requested by VTM NEWS. The main reason is independence, so they can decide for themselves where they want to go at any time. Because they did not depend on public transportation for a long time.


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VTM News

Driving instructors note that young people want to get their driver’s license faster again, which was around the age of 20 or after graduation. “Nowadays, they are choosing to start getting a driver’s license again at a younger age,” says driving instructor Sandrina Van Powell. According to Van Bauwel, some people want to take their exams themselves the day they turn eighteen.

This is also noticeable in the figures dialed by VTM NEWS. Between 2017 and 2020, the number of 18-year-olds with a driver’s license decreased. In the past two years, there has been another increase of about 3,000 18-year-olds. Not relying on public transportation seems to play an important role. In addition, of course, you also have the job market that has changed, ”says Stephen Rice, director of driving license GOCA Vlaanderen.

“Corona has ensured that a large number of couriers are needed to deliver packages and home orders.” According to Raees, young people were a large target group for courier services. “So there is also a huge influx and demand for people with a driver’s license.” Over the age of 18 pass at the first opportunity compared to drivers between the ages of 20 and 30.

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Re-motivate young people to get their driver's license faster.
Re-motivate young people to get their driver’s license faster. © VTM News