July 2, 2024

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Nature Today |  Scientists: The future of European Union citizens is in danger due to the dismantling of the Green Deal

Nature Today | Scientists: The future of European Union citizens is in danger due to the dismantling of the Green Deal

In recent months, European policymakers, under the influence of protests from the industrial part of the agricultural sector, have taken all kinds of decisions that have led to the dismantling of the agricultural sector. Green deal. The Green Deal aims to address a large number of complex environmental problems with major social consequences. Recent decisions made are not supported by sufficient evidence and contradict scientific knowledge. Moreover, they do not address the problems they claim to solve.

The future is in danger

In the Open letter Scientists point out the danger of rejecting the “Regulation for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products,” which weakens environmental standards in Common Agricultural Policysuspend final approval Nature Restoration ActThe committee’s proposal to extend the commitments within Nitrate channeling The Commission’s decision to suspend the Sustainable Food Systems Framework. According to the scientific community, recent decisions and a general “anti-sustainability” atmosphere are putting the future of European residents at risk. European environmental standards and regulations did not arise overnight. They are often the result of decades of effort, strongly supported by science and society.

Unacceptable choices

We are going through a period of multiple crises, most of them resulting from the crossing of planetary boundaries. In the letter, the scientists say it is unacceptable that European officials choose to exacerbate the conditions that cause these crises. Scientists strongly oppose policy options that accelerate avoidable crises. They call on policymakers to set a clear and ambitious environmental protection and Green Deal agenda for the post-election period; Consulting scientists to prevent policymakers from acting on misinformation; Reversing changes in the Common Agricultural Policy; approve the Nature Restoration Act as soon as possible; and avoid further dilution of environmental regulations and policies. They also call on citizens, civil society organizations and political parties to support responsible policies that ensure a secure future.

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more information

  • The open letter can be read at Europe for nature.
  • In recent weeks, dozens of scientists and experts have done so Personal story Developed. In it, they point out from their own experience why people are choosing nature and sustainability more.

Text: Society for Conservation Biology – Europe Region, Future Scientists (interdisciplinary scientific team), Ecological Restoration Society of Europe, ALTER-Net, Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, European Ecological Federation, Netherlands Ecological Research Network, EuropeForNature Ecosystem Services Partnership & European Region, International Bog Conservation Group, Society of Wetland Scientists
picture: Europe for nature