The “Cold War” It baptized embassies as its theater and ambassadors as its appointed victims “Havana Syndrome”. The first cases were reported in the Cuban capital. It was autumn 2016 and Obama re-established diplomatic relations under the illusion of promoting the regime’s “openings”. A few months later, he writes Day, A dozen U.S. embassy officials complained of dizziness, headaches, nausea, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and memory loss.

Same, lingering symptoms among Canadian embassy officials. Some are very serious and they have real disabilities. According to a study by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, the cause of the symptoms is “Direct pulsating energies from radio frequencies (RF)“Therefore, Microwave. In another study from the University of Pennsylvania, about forty diplomats suffered brain neurological damage and a 5 percent decrease in whiteness.
The trials are three years old. Since then microwave attacks have been extended to US embassies in Communist China, Russia, Poland, Georgia and Taiwan. Recently in Vienna, Biden mobilized the CIA. Its director, William Burns, has formed a task force that was once responsible for discovering Osama bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout.

U.S. embassies have already become strongholds of technology. The New Yorker Citing intelligence sources: The Russian crane has already experienced a microwave bombing on federal officials in Washington. Its purpose is to steal data from their computers and cell phones. According to the University of Pennsylvania, the target is the cerebellum. The cerebellum controls the balance and coordination of movements. This was the last frontier of the Cold War.

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