March 17, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Network operators are again demanding that the netting scheme for solar panels and home battery subsidies be scrapped

Network operators are again demanding that the netting scheme for solar panels and home battery subsidies be scrapped

In response to a draft climate policy programme, Dutch grid operators have reiterated their call to abolish the netting scheme for solar panels with immediate effect and household battery use. to support.

At the beginning of July, Rob Gettin, the Secretary of Energy and Climate, sent his draft climate policy program to the House of Representatives and made it available for consultation. Netbeheer Nederland has now stated that it supports the importance of making climate policy more concrete, but also stresses the coordination and coherence of many policy components.

Network administrators concluded that the goals set by the government would not be achieved with the current policy. In their view, an indicative climate policy with clear objectives, translated into concrete implementation agendas and an appropriate legal framework, is indispensable in order to be able to accomplish the infrastructure task.

This is why seven proposals are presented (see bottom of this report) that will contribute to a future-proof climate policy program and be critical to advancing the energy transition.

An important part of the seven proposals is the abolition of the discount for large consumers and the establishment of product tariffs. Grid operators want to eliminate the netting scheme for small consumers with immediate effect, so that consumers have an incentive to consume or store self-generated energy. They also want to cap solar panel installations for small consumers with an inverter capacity of 50 percent, while more calls are being made to introduce a subsidy or catalytic framework for home batteries.

A Glimpse of the Seven Suggestions for Network Operators:

  • Guiding framework with subsidies, standards and incentives: to realize large-scale electrolysis, batteries, demand control, hydrogen storage and heat temporary storage;
  • Mandatory agreements: for a timely increased demand for electricity and sufficient investment in resilience resources, such as boilers, storage and demand management;
  • Robust management of all parts of the new chains: to promote hydrogen upgrading, green gas, heat and CO2 capture and storage. Grid operators state that they need a range of chains to reach an energy mix that is suitable for the growing energy demand.
  • Develop a European plan to harmonize the national energy mix and the main energy infrastructure in Europe: with conductors (the type of infrastructure that allows energy exchange between different networks), hydrogen and gas transport and the offshore grid.
  • Tariff incentives, an obligation on smart equipment and spatial policy to better match electricity supply and demand: such as eliminating netting.
  • Enhancing Preconditions: Consider boosting the workforce and additional capital for regional network operators and accelerating spatial operations.
  • National Energy System Plan to Make the Energy Transition Possible: A systematic and cross-sectoral approach is necessary to make the energy transition feasible.

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