March 17, 2025

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Noura Gharib in a protest photo against the war in Gaza: “5,000 dead children.”  That’s 5000 is too much.”  Instagram VTM News

Noura Gharib in a protest photo against the war in Gaza: “5,000 dead children.” That’s 5000 is too much.” Instagram VTM News

“More than 5,000 children have been killed so far in Gaza. 5,000! That’s 5,000 is too many. Ceasefire now.” For example, next to a poignant and poignant photo of Noura Gharib (centre, wearing a hijab) there is a crowd of women and a few men They hold a baby doll in their arms. She shared the photo on her Instagram profile, where it has already been liked by thousands of people.

The actress and presenter also previously testified on Instagram in a video about Gaza, crying: “It is terrible that this continues to happen. I don’t understand why the world doesn’t do anything. I can’t sleep because of guilt. I think all the time about all the children who died. Fifty percent of the population of Palestine are minors. How can you think this is fair? “I would like to ask that these people are not forgotten.”

Photographer Bob Reinders captured the new photo of the group with the children. He also feels helpless. “Exactly a year ago I was in Hebron and Ramallah in the West Bank, as a photographer for a Belgian NGO. I took pictures in hospitals and health centers, and in the past two days also at the funerals of thirteen Palestinians.”

look. Nora Gharib, 30, says the conflict between Israel and Palestine keeps her awake at night

There are no words, just pictures

“I no longer have the vocabulary for what is happening now. It is also under my skin. I sleep worse and feel the impact on my work. I am simply better with pictures than words. In an impulsive moment, in a traffic jam, I came up with this concept. I called Nora who “I didn’t know her, but after three minutes she answered me that she was participating and after a call my inbox exploded: 350 people wanted to attend, while there was only room for about 70. We searched for the location, rented an aerial platform and started working with a whole team, including the Palestinian people.” .

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(Read more below the image.)

(Photography: Bob Reinders - Art direction: Tony Moawad - Photography assistant: Greet van Opstal)
(Photography: Bob Reinders – Art direction: Tony Moawad – Photography assistant: Greet van Opstal) © Bob Reinders

Bob is very happy with the result. Someone said: “There are no words to describe it, but there are no words needed to describe it,” which is a response that I can only be happy with as a photographer. The photo is already circulating on Instagram. But apart from that: the shoot was a very emotional day, and oddly enough, it was also a beautiful day. The picture will not stop the war. But the fact that a group of complete strangers, all unhappy with what’s going on here, did something constructive together makes me happier.

Feeling warm

Noura also wrote – unable to comment to us due to the recordings – on her personal page on Instagram: “Thank you to everyone in front of and behind the lens.” “Seeing each other’s faces and feeling the warmth in these cold times is good. Knowing that there are so many people who are so compassionate too gives hope.

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