"Avatar: The Way of Water" was originally planned for 2014, but production has been delayed seven times in the past...
This series of images, provided by NASA on Monday, show part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of...
Jupiler Pro LeagueRound 410-05-2022 18:45 After a slim victory at the Ghelamco Arena, AA Gent will play the second part...
On Wednesday it's time again for the annual Google I/O launch event. We expect many new products and services during...
According to The Times, Foreign Office staff were said to have drafted a bill that would unilaterally abolish mandatory customs...
Nostalgia is a sentimental yearning for the past. It's a powerful force that can make us feel all warm and...
Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil exporter, has slashed its selling price for the first time in four months. The...
This past week has been tough for Cryptoland. Almost the entire market was red again. In particular, a number of...
After Green Fields camp in Durbuy, Tomorrowland Dance Festival opens up a desert oasis in Dubai with Terra Solis. As...
Julia Hormes and Juliette Bogsen, food behavior experts at the State University of New York at Albany and research firm...