Kojima Productions revealed more about the content of the director's Death Stranding story. The developer shows all kinds of new...
In the Ukrainian city of Odessa, mass graves containing the remains of thousands of people were discovered while working at...
The Taliban are back in control of Afghanistan sooner than expected. After all, the United States is not such a...
The companies are said to have received permission from the United States to supply chips to Huawei for auto parts....
Reports are coming in across various websites that Sony Pictures will release a Marvel movie Poison: Let there be a...
Perplexing clouds of dark matter can hang like a garment around some black holes. The presence of such a garment...
Wednesday 25 August 2021 - 13:00 Is Club Brugge coming soon or not? 129 parties objected to the construction of...
Fitbit has announced the Charge 5, the successor to the Charge 4. The new model has a color OLED display...
US Vice President Kamala Harris criticized China again during her trip to Southeast Asia. During a meeting with Vietnamese President...
Total exports of potato products from the United States increased by 4 percent in the period from July 2020 to...