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- Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Parkinson's Cafe Alvin February 28, 2024 Dementia in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Café presents Alvin “Dementia in Parkinson's Disease” on February 28, 2024
It is good to know that the symptoms of Parkinson's dementia can vary greatly from person to person. These are the most common license plates:
• Problems with memory and concentration
• Slow thinking speed and difficulty performing complex tasks
• Changes in personality, mood, and behavior, including apathy and depression
• Changes in sleep patterns
• Hallucinations and delusions
• Loss of independence in performing daily activities
Hub van Kerkhof from Alzheimer's Netherlands will provide you with information about what dementia is and what it is not.
Always check the website: www.parkinsoncafealphen.nl
Information: info@parkinsoncafealphenaandenrijn.nl / Tel: 06 15 88 42 21
Location: Kerk en Zanen district center, de Oude Wereld 57, 2408 NV in Alphen aan den Rijn. (lots of free parking spaces)
Timing: 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, entry from 1:30 pm.
Admission: Free, including snacks and drinks (anyone interested in Parkinson's welcome)
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