March 19, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Queen Camilla cancels tradition close to Elizabeth’s heart: ‘End of an era’ |  Property

Queen Camilla cancels tradition close to Elizabeth’s heart: ‘End of an era’ | Property

Until now, it has been an established tradition that the Queen of the United Kingdom chooses a few more ladies-in-waiting. Elizabeth herself was very attached to the group of women she chose, and stated several times that she could not manage their affairs without them. Most of the women had been in her service for more than sixty years, participating in the Queen’s funeral procession. Ladies-in-waiting are the Queen’s personal assistants, and their duties can range from organizational matters such as keeping her diary, preparing the bathroom, combing her hair, or arranging clothes.

Camilla, the new Queen of Earth, does not like having ladies waiting to constantly chase after her. “She has been doing everything herself for years,” informed sources told the local press. “She has no intention of changing that now.” Her decision is in line with Charles III’s vision: he wanted a more modern monarchy at a lower cost. Property experts predict that Camilla’s decision not to hire more ladies-in-waiting will mark the final end of the “lady-waiting” career in England. “The chance that Kate, Princess of Wales, will still want the most up-to-date in this matter is very slim,” it seems. “The end of an era, but a very logical development.”

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