March 13, 2025

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Queens of the Stone Age @Sportpaleis: A very rich emperor

Queens of the Stone Age @Sportpaleis: A very rich emperor

Queens of the Stone Age @Sportpaleis: A very rich emperor

© Central Processing Unit – Bert Savills

Josh Homme is a man of many talents. Unfortunately, the past few years have not been good for him. His divorce from Brodie Daly was widely publicized in the press and he had recently been suffering from cancer. The American rock star also turned fifty this year, which means that life automatically offers different perspectives. Despite all his personal misery, he found salvation in music. In the Times New Roman… It became a bloody honest album and showed that Queens of the Stone Age are still one of the greats. Rising from the ashes of Kyuss, QOTSA seemed a bit more polished, but never really integrated into the mainstream. As a result, the group has always remained one one of a kind Who reached an audience of millions through sheer force of will.

For example, in Rock Werchter 2023, we saw a grateful man relishing the fact that his fans remained loyal to him. The desert rockers then signed on for one of the most popular shows of the weekend. So it was no surprise that the return to Sportpaleis was welcomed with enthusiasm. The Echo Hall in Antwerp was sold out except for a few seats, but that left no one unimpressed. Before Homme and company unleash their demons, The Deep Tans and The Chats are allowed to knead their neck and back muscles. For example, the Belgian leg of the “The End Is Nero” tour was as extensive as a Bacchaic orgy.

© Central Processing Unit – Bert Savills

The first group to enter the arena was a deep tan color. The band is mentioned in the same breath as British post-punk. The London trio prefer not to consider themselves part of this scene. Unfortunately, the goth of the band members sounds cooler than the music. Opening up to global exposure remains a poisoned gift, but instead of grabbing this opportunity with both hands, Deep Tan has made no effort to attract an audience at all. Dry thanks to the Queens of the Stone Age was enough. We can summarize the music. The lo-fi music had a sinister edge here and there. Over time they came to reflect on the introduction. However, the whole thing turned out to be too bad to be a promising band.

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It didn’t take a year in 2016 before The Chats overtook Australian pubs. Homme was an immediate fan, because the rock singers reminded him of his early musical days. Chats were previously opened for the Australian QOTSA rounds. We didn’t miss a single Belgian show of The Chats with Dansende Beren Get fucked Their brand awareness grew. Unlike the deep tan, Chats didn’t mince words. Not a minute was wasted, because this is the equivalent of a song in the world of The Chats. Despite a strict work ethic, the trio was thrust upon the Lions. Frontman Eamon Sandwith couldn’t move people. Even more sensitive tracks like “Smoko” and “Pub Feed” couldn’t solve this problem. Those who claim rock is dead should hold up a mirror to themselves, because bands like The Chats prove otherwise.

© Central Processing Unit – Bert Savills

The spear-shaped lighting partially revealed that the Queens of the Stone Age would be going into attack mode tonight. However, Queens quietly took the lead with “Plain John”. This is not to say that Sportpaleis, let alone Belgium, is unknown territory for the rock group. This quickly became clear when the song “Nobody Knows” announced the opening of a beer-filled pit. The Sports Palace had been turned upside down and we still had about ninety minutes to go. All this spontaneous entertainment did not go unnoticed. The red fox that was walking with our beloved is now more of a father figure proudly watching over his offspring. The rock star has gained a tremendous amount of credibility over the past 27 years, which means he can do little wrong. However, the set list is created in such a way that the musical developments that QOTSA has gone through are clearly audible.

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For example, there was a lot of swing on “If I Had a Tail” and “The Way You Used to Do It,” while early fans could let their long hair flow on “Leg of Mutton” and “Better Living Through Chemistry.” . This way, everyone got more than their fair share of their hard-earned money. Although QOTSA went through many lineup changes, each member played as if they co-wrote each song. However, Troy Van Leeuwen gets the most credit. He has been the current guitarist with the band the longest and is still Homme’s rockstar. Moreover, the songs were finished In the Times New Roman… They tightened their fingers, but they also showed live that something was broken deep inside Homme. For example, before the drama “Emotion Sickness” he shared that it is important to love things in life. Something he said he wouldn’t have shared so quickly in the past.

© Central Processing Unit – Bert Savills

During a tightly curated two-hour rock show, catching your breath every now and then was not an unnecessary luxury, although someone should have informed Homme that it was a Brussels studio rather than Radio Brussels. Aside from this flaw, it silenced the twenty thousand fans for fifteen seconds. Ironically, that moment of peace provided a different kind of ecstasy that is difficult to find today. This made it the perfect bridge to the gorgeous “Made to Parade,” which was enhanced by howling guitars. The successive hit “Make It Wit Chu” seemed like an obligatory song, but by providing “Little Sister” with a fragile piano intro, QOTSA responded at the right time. Furthermore, there was no spillage of pyro, scraps of paper, or other objects. The band let the music speak for itself one hundred percent and also showed why they will finally have many European headliners next summer.

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Finally, Om remained in a generous mood. He was kind enough to let the audience choose the song to start Bis’ tour with. The fact that “God Is In The Radio” clearly beat out “I Sat by the Ocean” was surprising and further proof that several generations continue to follow QOTSA faithfully. Then came the climax, a spectacular event at the Antwerp Sports Palace: “A Song for the Dead”. The thundering drums and thrilling guitars were a triumphant anthem that sealed the victory after two hours of hard work. Homme and company didn’t have to do anything to set the crowd on fire. Bathed in sweat and beer, everyone cheerfully headed toward the exit. Once again, QOTSA has used the Imperial Scepter and seems to be getting better at what it does: world domination.

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Make the list:

Regular John
no one knows
Smooth sailing
My God is the sun
The disease of passion
If I had a tail
place time
The way you used to do it
Better living through chemistry
Sick sick sick
Negative space
leg of lamb
Made in the show
Make it white cho
my little sister

God is on the radio
I sat by the ocean
Go with the wind
A song for the dead