Google is still working on its smartwatch, according to Business Insider. Codenamed Rohan, this watch may be the first Wear OS smartwatch with Fitbit integration, could be released in the spring and should rival the Apple Watch.
Rohan will become Google’s first self-developed smartwatch and market it as a Google product. Business Insider writes According to anonymous Google employees, the watch will have a bezel-less circular display and will have health and fitness functions.
It is not yet clear what the product will eventually be called; Internally, the product is called both a Pixel watch and an Android watch. In no case will a smartwatch become a Fitbit product. The product is now being tested internally, as well as by departments other than the smartwatch group. An employee testing the watch may complain about how long the smartwatch takes to fully charge. Right now, the smartwatch requires a daily charge, the docs say.
While the smartwatch won’t become a Fitbit smartwatch, it should get Fitbit integration. Google is now working on Fitbit integration with Wear OS, according to Business Insider, a project called Nightlight internally. The company is said to be hoping to launch Nightlight with the Google smartwatch. No further details were provided about Nightlight.
Google previously worked on a smartwatch, but in 2016 it chose to discontinue that product and focus instead on its partner companies’ smartwatch program. However, Google’s smartwatch market share will lag behind Apple’s; This is why Google now wants to invent the smartwatch itself.
This Business Insider article confirms several rumors that were raised at Front Page Tech in April. FPT also talked about a round smartwatch and joint offerings. According to Front Page Tech, the smartwatch will appear around October, although Prosser said the introduction could be delayed.
Business Insider says two sources believe the smartwatch could be launched in the spring now, if tests go well. Not much is known about the specifications of the smartwatch. The Verge Meldt According to an anonymous source, the smartwatch will become more expensive than the Fitbit and will likely rival the Apple Watch in terms of price.
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