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Russia and Iran tightened ties at a summit in Uzbekistan on Thursday. According to Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, countries affected by US sanctions should look out for each other and that is what will make countries stronger.
Raisi expects sanctions-busting countries such as Russia and Iran to work together to solve many problems. “The Americans think they can stop countries with sanctions, but they’re wrong.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin sees the reconciliation as “a positive development”. Both countries will work on a new strategic agreement to further enhance cooperation. Moscow also says it will send a delegation to Iran next week with 80 major Russian companies.
The leaders met at a two-day meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SSO), which, apart from Russia, also includes China, Pakistan and India. Iran is only an observer member of the organization but applied for official membership on Thursday. Putin says he supports Iran in this.
The Russian President will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping at a summit in Uzbekistan. This will show that Russia is not isolated on the world stage after the invasion of Ukraine and the economic sanctions of the West.
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