Aiming to help Ukraine attacked by Russia, Lavrov accused Western countries of wanting to consolidate a “dominant role in world affairs” and “prevent the democratization of international relations” under the pretext of “Ukrainian events”. Lavrov said that he therefore highly appreciates the position of “Indian friends” on Ukraine.
India takes a neutral stance on Russia’s aggressive war on Ukraine because it has close relations with the West and Russia. The country also does not support Western sanctions and encourages conflict resolution through dialogue.
Recently, India bought relatively cheap oil from Russia. New Delhi also relies heavily on Moscow for military equipment and spare parts. According to Lavrov, Russia and India also want to cooperate more closely in the field of nuclear energy and space travel.
Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar confirmed that his country plans to continue buying oil from Russia. “As the third largest consumer of oil and gas and not a very high-income country, we need to look for affordable resources, so the relationship between India and Russia is in our interest.”
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