March 21, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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Savers who transfer government bonds to Keytrade Bank receive a bonus

Savers who transfer government bonds to Keytrade Bank receive a bonus

More and more banks are looking to the savings we have invested in one-year tax-exempt government bonds. Now Keytrade Bank is also joining the fray. Savers who transfer their “Van Peteghem Vouchers” to the Internet Bank receive a bonus.

In the news: Several banks have already announced measures to attract part of the savings capital issued in September, when the one-year government bonds expire. After all, around 22 billion euros are at stake. Keytrade is not waiting until the start of the school year and is already launching a campaign.

  • Keytrade Bank wants to persuade savers to transfer their government bonds to an online bank with a bonus of 0.5 percent. The financial institution is targeting people who signed up for government bonds with a competitor in September.
    • Anyone who has registered directly with the debt agency cannot participate in the promotion. “Such a transfer would have been very complicated,” a spokesman for the Internet bank notes. the time.
  • This bonus is therefore on top of the Van Peteghem coupon. This amounts to 3.3 percent total. In September, the government exceptionally reduced the withholding tax from 30 to 15%, bringing the net return to 2.81%.

Some limitations

details: KeyTrade Bank imposes some restrictions.

  • You can transfer savings certificates of any amount to the Internet Bank, but the bonus only applies to the first 30,000 euros you transfer. This means that the additional amount can reach a maximum of €150.
    • This amount is paid directly to the savings account as business compensation. Withholding tax is not deducted.
  • The offer also ends on July 22. According to the Internet Bank spokesperson, such a time limit is necessary because the transfer of securities can take up to six weeks.
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Also this: Some financial institutions charge fees when transferring securities to a competitor. These can add up considerably. For example, at BNP Paribas Fortis, you pay €150 per converted line.

  • KeyTrade will reimburse the costs if at least 500 EUR of securities are transferred. The Internet Bank will reimburse these costs up to a maximum of 2500 EUR per calendar year.

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