With careful steps, Ine Karman (70 years old) from Meppin takes one step at a time up the stairs in...
Two see more than one. This also applies to elephant fish from African rivers. To "see" in muddy water, these...
SpaceX, Elon Musk's space company, sent an unmanned lander into space on Thursday. The Falcon 9 rocket, carrying the Odysseus...
The caiman has the slowest rate of molecular evolution of all jawed vertebrates. This tells us something not only about...
Are you considering injectable treatment? Where do you start, does it hurt and how do you make sure it doesn't...
Last week, two satellites nearly collided. The difference was only 20 metres. It was an exciting moment: Last Wednesday, two...
When a star dies, it can look beautiful. A good example of this is NGC 5189. In 2012, the Hubble...
We only need to spray 2kg of a particular powder, bismuth(III) iodide, high into the air weekly to cool the...
Scientists have developed a battery containing materials that can heal themselves. If this material is used as an anode in...
If you step into the high-rise cleanrooms of Airbus Defense and Space in Leiden, you can easily find engineers adjusting...