The municipality of Amstelveen developed a draft green vision after discussions with residents, site managers and organizations such as the Green Council. According to the municipality, the vision is necessary to preserve the green character of Amstelveen, as it is an important identity for the city. Especially when the pressure on space increases. You can respond to it for four weeks.
Green city in balance
The Green Vision explains how Amstelveen can maintain its green quality in light of the increasing pressure on space due to urbanization. The municipality wants to preserve and enhance the quality of green spaces and water through new policy frameworks.
“We want to make careful choices. Green spaces must grow alongside urban developments and meet the needs of our residents. A balanced green city, where the city and nature are connected through green spaces and water, contributes to the well-being of people and animals,” says Fleur Gordon, member of the Sustainability Council. : “This green vision conveys an important ambition.”
Responding to the concept of green vision
Residents, business people or other interested parties can view the draft Green Vision online: Amstelveen document – Green Vision concept – iBabs public portal ( or request a paper copy. You can respond via email to until April 18, 2024. Responses may result in an amendment to the vision. The municipal council is expected to discuss the green vision with any reactions and answers before the summer.
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