This fireball was a “random event” and not associated with a meteor shower.
On Friday, several US states, including Indiana and Wisconsin, saw a spectacular fireball. The American Astronomical Society (AMS) shared a video of the sighting and said it had received 150 reports of the fireball.
According to NewsweekAMS fireball report coordinator Robert Lunsford said the fireball’s flight to the northeast lasted three to five seconds. AMS reported that the fireball, Indiana, entered the atmosphere on Advance and disintegrated near Burlington, Indiana.
Watch the video below:
Additionally, reports of sightings have come from Indiana, Alabama, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky, according to the Meteor Society. Mr Lunsford said the flare was likely a “random event” and not linked to any particular meteor shower.
“I’ve seen a lot of fireballs in this part of the sky, but this one was huge,” one fireball watcher in Ohio told AMS. Another eyewitness said: “I’ve never seen anything like what I just saw. It was cute and exciting and made me want to do a quick search and see who else had seen it. “All I know is that it was so big and amazing to watch for just a few seconds. Awesome!” A third was added.
Also Read | Perseid Meteor Shower 2022 Underway: What to Know
Fireball is another term for brilliant meteors. It is much brighter than a typical meteorite because the pieces of space debris it produces are larger.
Meteors, also known as shooting stars, are the streaks of light we see in the sky when asteroids or meteors enter Earth’s atmosphere at high speed and burn up in the process.
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