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So within four months of foreign policy, Tracy imposed himself on the populists –

So within four months of foreign policy, Tracy imposed himself on the populists –

Until the last legislature, it was not news that Italy anchored Europeanism and Atlanticism. If he were one, if he had to reaffirm the country’s allegiance to the union and the treaty, traditional references have risen over the years of popular traction: Salvini said he was better off in Moscow than he was in Paris or Berlin. Mayo said he saw Venezuela and Conte – the prime minister of the yellow-green cabinet – signing an agreement with China on the Silk Road, while boasting of being part of the people, as Trump says. The double line, which was never allowed, was actually stated in his last speech as Prime Minister. It was January 21 and Chamber of Commerce Italy was similar to the United States and China: B.T. The head of Francescini’s delegation and Secretary of Defense Guirini had to intervene, and he congratulated Biden on his arrival at the White House the day before, forcing him to change his record in the Senate.

Seems as clear as four months In foreign policy, there was a huge suspension ratio between Tracy and his predecessor. The return to tradition, denied on a new basis, forces (almost) all parties to change themselves. Today, for example, Salvini no longer talks about Putin. He holds a video conference with Giuliani, Trump’s former right-hand man – according to our Prime Minister – who notes that relations between Italy and the United States will be better, regardless of the color of the US administration. It is unclear whether the change is dictated by certainty or convenience, but there are more than one reason – according to Lega Fontana’s foreign manager – to support the PM’s order, which came as a positive surprise to us: Germany starts again with harsh logic; He says things about Turkey that only we can think of; In the Mediterranean it moves to guarantee Italy’s lost center ….

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Trombiana meloni on the right He certainly made a difference by adopting Biden’s economic theory on corporate taxation and filing a parliamentary resolution, and later praised Vice President Harris’ tough tax on immigration. Despite his relationship with his friend Vladimir Berlusconi, who never moved from the Atlantic coast, I have been doing it over and over again for years without hearing how threatening China is to us. It is therefore recognized in the process of the Prime Minister, to whom Financial Times He has dedicated an article detailing how he acted to prevent the Dragon from getting its hands on Italian companies that were considered strategic. Some moves are reserved, others are amplified by the media. In April, the arrest of a naval officer named Biotin – accused of spying for Moscow – became precisely important to send an alert to Putin, as Gurini points out.

It is no coincidence that there is a strong rapprochement between the Prime Minister and the security guard, Renamed the Minister of the Deepest State who plays in the most Atlantic order in the Democratic Party. Condemning the existence of a Chinese party during the Conte government, an official Dem Exponent, who was very influential in Palazzo Chiki, explained that the passage was linked to some more old references. At the time, De Alema’s speech at the astonishing Eurasian Forum: The West was a great power, enjoying an age that was hostile to the rest of the world. To Russia, Iran, Turkey and China. The praise for the former prime minister’s exclusion of the CCP the next day goes hand in hand with what he argued in the forum: Europe has a role to play in relations with the United States, a region where culture, diplomacy and tradition are legally entrenched. Americans have always presented themselves strongly in their military supremacy.

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Gone are the days when he called Gandhi George W.. Bush’s Secretary of State de Alema now appears to have strong ideological influence with Girillo and some of his followers. Yesterday, Senkestelle Petrocelli, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, showed his pro-Chinese stigma in an interview. Republic, Indicates that the communist model of Beijing was adopted by one billion people. The league told him to resign. The Democrats asked him very wisely. De Mio did not ask him anything, even though he had long rejected the peak number and dropped the number to his destiny. Converting to European and Atlantic religions, the leader of the Fornasina memorized Tracy’s theory: because our foreign policy – the primary one mentioned – cannot be limited to these two principles. It must also protect the national interest. The idea of ​​further tabooing a section of the Democrats.

June 17, 2021 (Change June 17, 2021 | 23:05)

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