January 10, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Spanish seaside resort bans puddles at sea, violators risk a fine of 750 (!) euros |  Instagram news VTM

Spanish seaside resort bans puddles at sea, violators risk a fine of 750 (!) euros | Instagram news VTM

In the Spanish town of Vigo located in the northwest region of Galicia, bathers should plan their visit to the toilet before going to the beach. For example, the city passed a law that completely prohibited puddles in the sea or on the beach. Beachgoers who can’t really contain themselves and who quickly urinate in the sea, risk a fine of at least 750 euros.

In addition to imposing the fine, Vigo City Council is also planning to install public toilets near the beach. Peeing on the beach or in sea water is from now on a violation of health and hygiene legislation.

It is not clear exactly how local authorities will enforce the ban. For example, it is often impossible to see who is peeing in the water.

According to the same ban, beachgoers are also not allowed to bathe in the sea with soap or any other chemical products. Additionally, leaving waste on the beach or in the water is an offense and no barbecue or gas bottles are allowed in the area due to its flammable nature.

Different rules apply to beaches all over Spain. For example, in some areas, beachgoers risk a fine of about 290 euros if they walk around in swimwear on the street. on the island Mallorca Some restaurant owners will no longer allow customers who are in swimwear or topless.

Watch too. Hotel staff are against booking sun loungers and take strict measures