March 17, 2025

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Start by improving well-being

Start by improving well-being



A series of 6 “Positive Health” workshops will start in Veldwijzer on Thursday, October 5th. The goal is for the participants to use their own potential and traits and thus retain control over their lives.

Feldhoven – Stuck in mental fatigue? Looking for positive activities or meaning in life? Those who want to start feeling more rested and healthy can now register for one or more of the six workshops. Participants do not have to pay a contribution for this.

healthy festival

This new series of workshops is a continuation of a previous series. Wilma Hartman offers training in different locations and always with a local partner. The first series of 6 workshops started in March, in the run-up to the Health Festival that took place in the city center on the 22nd of April. We have published it in the media, and then people can subscribe. The first series took place in the library. 8 people participated in one or more workshops.

The six workshops cover topics of daily functioning, quality of life, bodily functions, engagement, mental well-being and meaning. The essence of each workshop is for participants to control themselves while focusing on what they find important. A maximum of 10 people are allowed in a group. “It’s important that people feel safe and can share what they want to share. It’s about sharing experiences and giving each other space. We intentionally don’t go too deep. We live now and look forward, but with respect for what used to be,” explains Hartmann.


Jos van Gestel goes through a grieving process when her daughter-in-law brings Positive Healthy to her attention at the beginning of this year. She asked me: Is this something for you? My first reaction was, absolutely not! However, I decided to check out Vol. Then I contacted the DSP training and after that I decided to participate. I’ve asked my friend Rianne van Broekhoven to come with me. I went there with a negative feeling, but it turned out 100% better than expected.

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Together, they attend 5 of the 6 workshops. Van Gestel looks back positively. “You are being taken for granted and that is the way you are treated. I really enjoyed the warmth of the group. It also gives you this and challenges you. Sharing your worries so that others can identify with them.”

eye opener

Van Broekhoven is limited by rheumatism. Above all, I learned to think differently. “Think more positively and focus on what is possible. If something is bothering you, another member of the group will often come up with an eye opener. That is the power of the group process.”

Thursday 5th of October is the first workshop. From 13.30 to 15.30 in Veldwijzer. Coach Hartmann provides workshops with Cordaad Welfare, Lumens, GGzE and Physiotherapie Veldhoven Zuid.

Share experiences and give each other space