The law in the United States is completely different from our law. Many laws are passed at the state level, so with 50 official states, there are many laws. Some people are so crazy. For example, in two US states, New Jersey and Oregon, it is illegal to refill your car yourself. Only gas station employees are allowed to do this.
In the state of Oregon, that law has been relaxed in recent years, and you can use the fuel pistol yourself in some less populated areas. During the Corona crisis last year, law was relaxed across the state, causing great confusion. After all, self-refueling law has been in place for a long time, and many Oregon residents do not know how to refuel their cars. This forced a local newspaper last year to create an instructional video.
The recent severe heat wave in the northwestern United States forced the local government to relax the law again. After all, gas station staff are not responsible for working outside all day at temperatures above 40 degrees. Now that the extreme weather has passed, employees can return to work. There is no doubt about the relief of the population because many Oregon residents have won for convenience and service.
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