The Cabinet wants to drill more gas in Groningen to compensate the people of Groningen financially

Photo: YTCC

The government said it was shocked by the report presented today about gas exploration in Groningen. To save money for the people of Groningen, the government now wants to drill additional gas in the northern province.

“A powerful report with incisive conclusions,” is the opinion of parliamentary journalist Zanches Volben about the final report of the parliamentary commission investigating gas extraction in Groningen. Volben therefore thinks it right that the Cabinet should immediately come up with a plan to help the people of Groningen financially: “The Cabinet cannot ignore these results. So it makes sense that there should already be a plan to generate money for the people of Groningen.”

Prime Minister Rutte responded to the committee’s report on behalf of the entire Cabinet: “We are deeply shocked and will take strong measures to generously compensate the people of Groningen financially. To make this possible, we will open the gas tap in Groningen again. Up to 2.5 percent of the profits we, as BV Nederland, make from this gas exploration will go directly to the people of Groningen. As a government, we want to show that we have empathy.”