March 14, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

The European network Ecaid joins forces in the fight against infectious diseases

The European network Ecaid joins forces in the fight against infectious diseases

The European Union wants research into infectious diseases to be faster and more efficient. With this goal in mind, Ecraid, which represents the European Clinical Research Alliance for Infectious Diseases, was founded. More than 2,000 research institutions from more than 40 countries gather here to combat infectious diseases. The organization will be led by Professor Mark Bunten of UMC Utrecht.

antibiotic resistance

Within Ecaid, research data can be collected on an international scale and shared more quickly. It has become easier to find study groups internationally for all types of observational studies. Researchers’ expertise is pooled, so that large files across borders can be better handled. Not every country or hospital has to reinvent the wheel. Ecrid will be involved in, among other things, “emerging infections”; Emerging infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. But Ecraid will also bolster the fight against growing antibiotic resistance.


Lessons are being learned from the response to the COVID-19 outbreak and from research into the pandemic. This was often very fragmented, meaning that it took longer before a consensus could be reached on treatments. Thanks to Ecraid, this should be prevented, and answers to important questions should be provided faster. It should be clear as soon as possible who is most at risk of infection or the course of serious illness, as well as how long the patient remains contagious and the duration of possible quarantine. In addition, effective treatments or not are shared.

more information

Visit the Ecraid website