March 21, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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The Flemish government significantly expands dual education in the next academic year |  internal

The Flemish government significantly expands dual education in the next academic year | internal

The Flemish government is expanding the dual education system, where students combine classroom training with on-the-job learning, to a large extent in the next academic year. The government has given the go-ahead for an additional 266 courses in 81 different secondary schools. This increases supply by 22 percent. Education Secretary Ben Witts (N-VA) and Werk Jo Brouns (CD&V) made the announcement today.

Dual learning has been a complete secondary education pathway since the 2019-2020 school year. In this system, young people from the age of 15 can combine classroom learning with workplace learning. Thus, students are more prepared for the labor market. At the same time, schools can better keep young people motivated and train them in a more practical way. Companies train young people who, after their training, have all the relevant knowledge and skills and who smoothly integrate into the workplace.

additional training

To date, there have already been 1,173 double courses in 160 educational institutions spread throughout Flanders. The Flemish government has given the go-ahead for 266 additional dual education courses in 81 different secondary schools. That brings the total to 1,439 cycles (+22 percent).

There are also 10 courses that will be offered ‘double’ for the first time, including dental chipper, butcher-deli, dental technician and cement-bonding. It is schools that have already started dual learning that will now offer more dual courses.

“VET is closely aligned with the labor market, and thanks to dual learning we are building more bridges with businesses,” says Education Minister Ben Wittes. According to him, the intention is to expand the system further in the coming years. Labor Secretary Jo Bruns also believes in the importance of the system. “Through training that also takes place in the workplace, we give young people more opportunities to discover what really works for them,” says the CD&V minister.

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