March 25, 2025

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‘The Gryphon’ pulls the same nostalgic strings as Stranger Things, but with bad lip-synching

‘The Gryphon’ pulls the same nostalgic strings as Stranger Things, but with bad lip-synching

That moment in the Amazon Prime Video sequence Griffon Where sixteen-year-old Mark (Jeremias Meyer) agonizingly smashes his tyrannical teacher in front of a crowded class (happy on his mind, as it turns out): I can tell you that in the distant past there are also violent flashes of this kind that he came to say hello to in your head. truly. I don’t know about the faculty today, but what was supposed to teach more than thirty years ago your servant here excelled above all in that same stern absolutism. So they didn’t have to excel in English or Physics, you know, their effective job.

but Griffon It’s about completely different things. In the six episodes in which this upcoming fantasy series tells its story, Mark quickly had to be portrayed as a misunderstood teenager, so that immediately supporting events could be interpreted in multiple ways. It is revealed that he and his older brother Thomas, who runs a record store in town, have an old secret. When the descendants of this lineage reach sixteen years of age, they are entrusted with the care of a mysterious book, which occasionally catapults them to a dark place called the Black Tower.

Their fate is somehow linked to the imminent arrival of the griffin, a mythical beast with the head of a lion and the body of an eagle, that plans to devour the world. In the end, Mark also draws his classmate Memo and his girlfriend Becky into the fight, because – no doubt you really struggled – Weird thingsComplete vibe. What also helped with the latter is that the series is set in 1994, so the same nostalgia threads as recent Netflix.

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But isn’t Mark’s plunge into his dark netherworld merely metaphors for the Waltshimers? Series creators Sebastian Marca and Errol Yeselcaia do their best – especially in the early episodes – to leave it all in the middle.

Griffon Actually hot Deir Jerif: It is a German series, based on a fantasy novel by German writer Wolfgang Holbein. By default, this series is broadcast with English dubs, but the lip-syncing is so broken that it is recommended to switch the spoken language to German immediately.

He is Griffon Something you must see? at least. But with its fantastical moods and youthful hero, it might be a fresh fix for the young adults among us. Or a trip down memory lane for those in their 40s and 50s who fancy the Smashing Pumpkins and Soundgarden lines that would regularly sound through their sound system.

Griffon Now on Amazon Prime Video