March 7, 2025

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The Japanese Space Agency is searching for a name for a new space rock

The Japanese Space Agency is searching for a name for a new space rock

The discovered space rock is about 440 x 700 meters in size, but not much is known about it. In 2026, the Japanese space probe will be close by and we will learn more about it.

International Astronomical Union

According to Rob van den Berg from the Sonnenburg Observatory in Utrecht, a fair number of space rocks have been discovered. For truly new discoveries, the discoverer can come up with a name himself. The name must eventually be approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), an organization aimed at promoting and protecting astronomy.

But you can still often submit a name for asteroids that have already been discovered. There are many space rocks that are only known by their serial number. “You can also name it after someone,” says van den Berg. “Govert Schilling has his own space rock.”

IAU Terms

Naming a planet or star is unique. It is important that your name conforms to a strict set of rules.

• Maximum 16 characters

• Preferably one word

• Easy pronunciation

• No pet names

• Not offensive

Source: International Astronomical Union (IAU)

According to David Panicki, a science historian specializing in astronomy, there are already several space rocks with Dutch names. “The Dutch Van Houten couple have spent their whole lives discovering asteroids,” Panicki says. “As a result, there is a huge list of space rocks they have discovered that they have also given Dutch names.”

Political or religious

He continues: “The names of asteroids are often less strict than the names of stars.” “But there are many rules to that. For example, depending on whether it's about a planet or an asteroid, naming a person is usually not allowed unless they died at least a hundred years ago. Names may also not only be offensive; they may even be.” It may refer to a brand name or have very strong political or religious connotations.

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According to the historian of science, the IAU seeks a neutral picture. “The procedures for this were put in place in the 1970s because many politicians were nominated and then staged a coup or were declared controversial in some other way. They no longer wanted to be burned by it.”

a new name Applications for the 2001 CC21 can be submitted until May 9, 2024.

Did you know? This is how planets, stars, and asteroids usually get their names.

  • We have known the planets for a few hundred years and they got their names from ancient times. At that time, they were often named after gods.
  • Some discoveries, for example a planet in a particular solar system, have also been named after Greek or Roman gods since ancient times. There are treaties for this that astronomers adhere to.
  • Stars often have Arabic names, also dating back to ancient times. This is because astronomy was already an ancient science in the Arab world.
  • All visible stars have multiple names and formal meaning. The latter consists, among other things, of a serial number associated with the constellation it is in, the code of the institute in which the telescope is located, a number for the year, the season, and a number for the number of objects they are.
  • Bright stars also have other names by which they are also known to the general public, which is a more “common-friendly” name.

Source: Rob van den Berg from the Sonnenborgh Observatory in Utrecht.