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The majority of men over 55 never talk about prostate cancer

The majority of men over 55 never talk about prostate cancer

Medical Facts Editorial / Janine Padding November 11, 2021 – 08:19

Urologist Ausems: “There is still very little information about this type of cancer in the high-risk group.”

Although prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men 55 years of age or older, seven out of ten men in this age group never talk about the disease with anyone close to them. Also, more than six in ten of these men (63 percent) have never been tested for prostate cancer. This is evidenced by a new national survey conducted by the Reiner Haga Prostate Cancer Center (PKC) in Delft among 1,078 Dutch men aged 55 and over. The research aims to raise awareness of prostate cancer in the context of Movember. This month is all about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s health in general.

Peter Ausems, a urologist at Reinier Haga PKC, believes the research numbers confirm the call for increased awareness of prostate cancer. “It appears that there is still very little information about the increased risk factors for prostate cancer in people over 55 and that it is a taboo to talk about them with others. Men often shy away from this, in my experience. As far as we are concerned, it is not A large PSA measurement is definitely necessary, but it is helpful to start a conversation with your GP if prostate cancer runs in the family or if you are considering a PSA measurement.”

Uncertainty about prostate cancer screening

The survey found that more than a quarter of men (27 percent) mistakenly believe there is a national screening for prostate cancer, as do colon, breast and cervical cancer. Peter Ausems: “It is important that people over 50 years of age are aware of the increased risk of prostate cancer and know what options are available to detect the condition as early as possible. Don’t do this with just a PSA measurement, but it results in a true allotment between physician and patient.” The survey also found that 41 percent of men do not know why there is no demographic screening for prostate cancer.

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Source: Reinier Haga Prostate Cancer Center

Medical Facts Editorial / Janine Padding

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