The Pokémon Company has announced several changes to the Pokémon Trading Card Game, starting with the first Scarlet and Violet series expansion in March. In addition to the previous gameplay mechanics announced for the series at the Pokémon World Championships in August, players can expect several changes to the cards and packs they’re set in.
First, for American gamers and game collectors, yellow bezels will be a thing of the past. Starting with crimson and violet, the borders will be gray to match the Japanese maps. This move will provide a smoother Pokémon Trading Card game experience with more focus on the actual artwork of the cards. In addition, Trainer cards now have subclasses displayed in the upper left corner of the card for better visibility into players’ hands; Examples given for this reinforcer are element and playground. Primary power cards have another power icon in the lower right for easier tracking while playing, and expansion icons are replaced by expansion icons and language icons on all cards.
However, some bitter news comes with this announcement. The bittersweet thing is that the price of the booster pack will go up from $3.99 to $4.49, a move that The Pokémon Company attributes to global inflation affecting material and production cost. Other products may also become more expensive in the future. However, the fun side of this news is that the Pokémon TCG will attempt to offset the increased prices by increasing the number of cards guaranteed per pack to three. All cards of “Rare” or higher rarity are now Cardboard. In addition, larger chest items, such as Elite Training Chests, will also contain bonus items. For example, Elite Trainer Boxes have an additional booster pack and a full art promo card.
If you want to miss the Yellow Border, the Sword and Shield expansion – Silver Tempest launched last month, and we’re expecting the final Sword and Shield expansion, Crown Zenith, in January. Next, the Pokémon Trading Card Game is looking to change pace to fully embrace Gen 9 games, along with all of the changes outlined above, with the first Scarlet and Violet expansion arriving on March 31st.
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