Due to the heavy rains in recent months, a large part of the trace elements in the soil have been washed away. This will cause a deficiency, especially in light soils. Supplementing this is important, especially now that the formation of tubers and bulbs has become a problem and fungal diseases are spreading.
A resilient crop will last longer against disease and pest attacks. Especially at a time when many attackers are lurking to enter the battle, as now, it is necessary to renew the washed elements. In addition, the growing season of many crops is significantly shortened due to late planting or sowing.
Phytophthora occurs in almost all potato plots. Given the high pressure and limited resources, controlling this fungal disease is a major challenge for growers. “In times like these, every tool to keep the crop alive longer is useful,” says Erwin Stockmann of Soiltech.
Given the large variations in crop growth, no general advice can be given. Stokman advises farmers to take soil samples for this purpose. “You can no longer rely entirely on what is normally present in your soil. You can only know if there is still enough available by measuring and adjusting accordingly. That is always better than having to deal with a defect later on.”
Allocation is the watchword this year. “There are plots that have just been planted or sown, while others are already closed for crops.” Weather conditions make it more difficult. “Getting the crop and keeping it alive is one thing. Maintaining the yield will be very nice in many cases. Getting higher yields will be a big challenge.
If there was ever a time to make a difference with foliar fertilizers, it’s now, says Stockman. “You often get the best results in less ideal places.”
Calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc
Important soil elements include calcium, potassium, manganese and zinc. According to Stockman, these elements largely determine the resilience and vigor of the crop. Boron is added to beet cultivation. All of these elements are very sensitive to leaching.
Foliar fertilizers are generally absorbed by the crop quickly. Stockman believes this is important. “Crops can’t wait another four weeks to replenish. They need it now.”
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