Musk was referring to the discussion around the so-called “Twitter profiles” that freelance journalist Matt Taibbee wrote about last week. Based on internal documents, Tibi revealed Twitter’s 2020 decision to restrict access to the platform by the New York Post. This happened after an article was published about the laptop of Hunter Biden, the son of current US President Joe Biden. The article was based on data that had been compromised, and this practice would be against Twitter policy. A little later, the platform lifted the restrictions on the newspaper again.
Among other things, Thebes published an internal memo from Baker on the subject. “I agree with the conclusion that we need more facts to determine whether this data was compromised,” he wrote at the time.
Baker, who was previously the FBI’s chief attorney, has not commented on the news.
Musk says he’s an advocate for absolute freedom of speech and seems to be playing a major role in the new posts about “Twitter Profiles”. To his credit, he reassured his followers last Friday for what al-Tayeb had revealed. He himself was criticized by Twitter users for admitting that there were conditions attached to his posts, but he did not disclose them.
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