March 14, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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U.S. bill to legalize abortion shops in Senate

U.S. bill to legalize abortion shops in Senate

Opposition from Republican opposition parties was strong in the 100-member Senate. In addition to the 50 Republican senators, he voted against the most conservative Democratic senator, Joe Mans.

By law, the Democrats wanted to Confirms the right to abortionThey fear a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the coming weeks. A draft judgment was passed by the majority of Conservative Chief Justices almost 50 years ago in the historic Roe v. Wade wants to end the ruling, which established the right to abortion at the federal level. If the draft proposal comes true, it is up to the US government to decide whether abortion will be allowed, as it was before 1972. As happened in Texas last September, Republican states have been restricting the right to abortion for some time. Many women do not even know they are pregnant yet.

U.S. media Meanwhile, two Republican senators, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, introduced their own bill in February to establish the right to abortion. The couple are in favor of abortion, but believe there should be room for exceptions on religious grounds. For example, according to Collins, Catholic hospitals can decide for themselves whether or not to perform abortions. Democrat Senator Tim Cain is now said to be in talks with Collins and Murkowski to update the plan, although Cain is clear that there will be new input.

The majority are for legal abortion

Most Americans believe that abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances. Democrats hope the lost vote in the Senate will mobilize abortion rights advocates ahead of the November parliamentary elections.

In response, President Biden denounced the Republican siege as “an unprecedented attack on the constitutional rights of women, against the will of the majority of the American people.” He hopes the Democrats will have a majority in the Senate after the election, so the bill will still be passed.

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