September 20, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

US wants tougher sanctions against North Korea after missile tests |  abroad

US wants tougher sanctions against North Korea after missile tests | abroad

The United States plans to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea in response to the country’s three missile tests on Wednesday. The Americans submit a resolution to this effect in the UN Security Council. The United Nations confirms that the vote will take place on Thursday.

There is a chance that China and Russia will veto additional sanctions for the poor communist country. The government official said the United States believes North Korea should be weakened through “punitive measures that limit North Korea’s ability to further develop illicit weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.” Previous United Nations resolutions banned North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons.

On Wednesday, North Korea fired three ballistic missiles at short intervals towards the Sea of ​​Japan. One of them is believed to be an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). This year marks the 17th round of missile tests by North Korea. In addition, according to South Korean intelligence, there are indications of an imminent new nuclear test by North Korea. North Korea’s last nuclear test was in 2017.

The US draft resolution, seen by German news agency DPA, includes sanctions against North Korean hacker group Lazarus. According to the United States, this group is responsible for the theft of cryptocurrencies worth about 570 million euros. Pirate attacks are seen as an important way for North Korea to fund its weapons programs. If the resolution is passed, Lazarus’ assets will be frozen.

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